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Over 1500+ investors from India and the U.S.
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Traditional fundraising v/s Modern fundraising.
Get 1000+ verified investors at your fingertips v/s Getting frustrated looking for contacts
Simply email them your pitch deck v/s wasting time researching about investors
Save 100s of hours and focus on your startup v/s constantly sending 1000s of LinkedIn requests
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- Getting frustrated looking for contacts
- wasting time researching about investors
- constantly sending 1000s of LinkedIn requests
- giving 2% commission to platforms
- Get 1000+ verified investors at your fingertips
- Simply email them your pitch deck
- Save 100s of hours and focus on your startup
- Save money by giving 0% commission
- Access to full search and filtering of investors
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- 50 profile views per month
- 50 Email ID views per month
- Exclusive startup founder community access
- 300 profile views per month
- 300 email ID views per month
- Exclusive startup founder community access
- Access to pitch deck templates
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"We were able to raise a small round in college and that was game changing for our learning"